England Masters Cross Country Selection for British & Irish 2016 Event

Way back in June we advised members of the selection process to represent your Country (England Athletics Masters Association) for the 2016 Cross Country event which will be held at Tollcross Park, Glasgow on Saturday 12 November 2016.  This involves completing a proforma and getting it sent off to me so that I receive it in the post absolutely not later than Saturday 24 Sept – ie what is now just about a week away!

Teams will be selected by a panel based upon the the submissions made and so if you have the desire to represent England Masters at the cross country, please get your submission in. Everything you need to know is in the pack here.  Please note that I must receive your hard copy submission etc not later than Saturday 24 Sept 2016 (and I have no leeway in this date because I have to set off for a marathon in Portugal the day after anyway).

As of today’s post on Fri 23 Sept, I can confirm that I have received entries from :  NA58; EH80; ME36, SC40, MP35, PM35, NM45, GD60, JS65, ARL50, GW65, TN 65, MB55, MT51, AD61, CA50, JH60

This is a great chance for EMAC members to be selected to represent England – some members have in the past expressed concern that the process appeared opaque.  We are trying to make it as open and fair as possible for the benefit of everyone.  Best of luck and I hope to be receiving many applications.    Maurice Hemingway (Temp XC Sec)