Fancy the EMAC Place in the London Marathon? Winner Stephen Paul

As a result of having more than 10 first claim club members, EMAC has again secured a guaranteed place in the London Marathon which it can award to any member.  So if you are a paid up member and fancy running in the London Marathon on Sunday 22 April 2018 and have a realistic chance and the determination to train for it – read on and see if you meet the criteria :

  • You have to pay £35.00 for the place and complete the registration online before 17:00hrs Friday 26 January 2018
  • To be fair to the other (unsuccessful) EMAC members you must have the motivation and determination to train for the event so that you stand a realistic chance of having a successful run – but not necessarily fast
  • You must apply in the first instance by email to “” not later than 12:00hrs (GMT) Saturday 23 December 2017 (email applications will be acknowledged as received within 24hrs of receipt)

Because we only have one place to award, we have set the criteria for selection to rank applicants to make it “self selecting” as :

  1. Any First Claim EMAC member who has competed in the 2017 Road Race Series
  2. Any EMAC First Claim member
  3. Any Second Claim EMAC member who has competed in the 2017 Road Race Series
  4. Any EMAC Second Claim member

If there is more than one applicant at the “deciding level” the “tie break” will be firstly the number of runs in the 2017 Road Race series and then if still tied, the member who paid their 2017 subscription the soonest!

So if you want the place – get your email in.  Even if you can’t make sense the selecting criteria above – get your email in.

Good luck.  The lucky winner will be announced here at 14:30hrs on Christmas Day (subject to BT Infinity working that day!)

The winner of the VLM London Marathon place is Stephen Paul  (EMAC 740).  Congratulations Stephen!  An email will go off to Stephen at the end of December with information and instructions how to take up the place.

