ANNOUNCEMENT!! EAMA Inter-Area Challenge on Saturday of 6th of July in Coventry

Hi All!! I want to invite you to email me at to let me know which event you would like to do in the inter-area challenge this year!! It has changed venues and days..It’s on a Saturday this year.  So, please come forward and put your name on as many events you’d be interested in doing and I’ll choose the team and let you know if you’ve made it the week before!! I do check Power of 10 for PBs and recent performances to help me choose the men’s and women’s teams. We won all three trophies at this year’s indoors Inter-Area Challenge so maybe we can do the same at the summer fixture!! The age categories for this are V35-49, V50-59, V60-69 and V70+ for both men and women. If I have openings I may need you in a younger category anyway!! Here is the timetable for this year’s competition: INTER AREA OUTDOOR 2019 TIMETABLE

Also, the competitions rules are attached to the bottom of this post.

Also, the organiser Arthur Kimber is still looking for more officials if anyone can help!!

Thank you for your time and email me soon!!


General Secretary